Lieto's New Trek Speed-Concept
Chris nabs one of the frames we’ve seen under Alberto and Lance – the Speed-Concept with the Kamm airfoil tubes. Recall that the trailing edges are square, yet the wind is “tricked” into “thinking” the tubes have tapered trailing edges. This potentially a good solution to the UCI’s 3:1 cross-section limitation rules.
Note that both elbow pads rest on one solid plate, and any front end height adjustment appears to come from spacing this plate up or down – something we are seeing commonly now on the latest generation of integrated front end TT frames. You have to like the brake treatment on this bike, at least from a “clean flow” standpoint.
Function and ease of maintenance are another question. For example, I finally test rode a 61cm P4 and the rear brake was absolutely useless in stock form (for someone of my ~200lb weight anyway). I was able to squeeze the heck out of the levers, and I barely slowed at all. My normal-sized training partners who own P4s agree – useless rear brakes in stock form. Better pads like yellow Swiss Stops can make a big improvement. I wonder how well the Trek brakes work…
In any case, a very clean, cool-looking bike. I’ll try to get a close look at it in Kona.