Kona 2011 Gear: Tyr's New Goggle Rocks
Goggles are a very small yet extremely important part of your Tri-arsenal. They can turn an otherwise great swim into a zig-zagging, eye burning debacle. I have been searching for goggle nirvana for 20 years, and maybe, just maybe I found it on the Kona pier this am. Tyr’s new “Special Ops” polarized goggle is by far the best I’ve tried. Lis and I swam out from DigMe Beach into the swell and chop this morning, and after a few hundred yards we both looked at each other and shouted in unison, “Best goggles ever!”.

The Special Ops goggles have unmatched visual clarity, and did an amazing job of cutting the 7am Kona glare. Sighting buoys was dramatically easier. Underwater clarity was great too. But it’s not just the lenses that rock – the fit and comfort does too. The gaskets are quite soft, and seal perfectly while not sucking your eyeballs out of your skull. Lis and I usually need different goggles, as she has a small face and I have a larger one with much bigger eye sockets. Amazingly, the Special Ops fit us both perfectly. Not one drop of leakage and no raccoon-eyes after the swim.

What’s the downside? You can’t get them til Spring 2012. At least that’s what we hear. They will retail for $30 – well worth it. But if you really want a pair now, you can try bribing me. It’ll take well into the 3 figures though.
October 5, 2011 @ 9:00 pm
ill offer u 30.01