Finally here! (No thanks to USAir)
24 hours of travel, thanks to USAir maintenance. Flight #1, Boston-Phoenix, uneventful. Flight #2, Phoenix-Kona… soon after everyone is aboard we get the “burned out light bulbs”: announcement, and on comes a mechanic. I am up front so I can watch him proceed to let something fall out of the ceiling of the cockpit, hit the floor and scatter into several parts that roll under the pilot’s seat. Not good. 45 minutes, lots of head scratching, screwdriver poking and 2 mechanics later we are off – great. 1 hour later, shortly after leaving the mainland, the pilot comes on: “More bad news folks. Our shortwave radio doesn’t work. We can’t fly over the Pacific without it. We have to go back to Phoenix. And oh yeah, we can’t land because we’re too heavy. So we spent 2 hours circling at 10000 feet with flaps and landing gear deployed. 2 hours on the ground in Phoenix while they ready a new plane. Finally land in Kona 6 hours late, missing the Fuel Belt K-Swiss booze-crooze! Oh well, we are here, bikes are mostly built and in one piece, and the first mug of Kona java is down! The FB house is awesome too:
October 8, 2008 @ 6:17 pm
Long flight that sucks! Hope the nice weather and cool looking house make up for it! Good luck with everything, keep the pics coming!